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Engelse hofmuziek 14e eeuw

Bryd one Brere – liefdeslied 1290 – 1320
Ensemble Belaldonna
Melodious Melancholye; the sweet sounds of mediaeval England.


Bryd one brere, brid, brid one brere,
Kynd is come of love, love to crave
Blythful biryd, on me thu rewe
Or greyth, lef, greith thu me my grave.

Hic am so blithe, so bryhit, brid on brere,
Quan I se that hende in halle:
Yhe is whit of lime, loveli, trewe
Yhe is fayr and flur of alle.

Mikte ic hire at wille haven,
Stedefast of love, loveli, trewe,
Of mi sorwe yhe may me saven
Ioye and blisse were were me newe.


Bird on a briar, bird, bird on a briar,
(Man)kind is come of love, love thus craves.
Blissful bird, have pity on me,
Or dig, love, dig thou for me my grave.

I am so blithe, so bright, bird on briar,
When I see that handmaid in the hall:
She is white of limb, lovely, true,
She is fair and flower of all.

Might I her at my will have,
Steadfast of love, lovely, true,
From my sorrow she may me save
Joy and bliss would wear me new (i.e., me renew).

Eleonora, an English princess in Deventer

Exhibition Broederenkerk

Broederenstraat 18 - 7411 LB Deventer

June 19 to September 15, 2024

Opening hours:
Wednesday 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Thursday 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Friday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Sunday, July 7 & 14 , Aug. 4, Sept. 1 & 15
12 p.m. – 17 p.m.

Admission free

iedere donderdag en vrijdag
Gratis rondleiding
van 14.00 - 15.00
(reserveren niet nodig)
